Friday, July 01, 2005


So I’ve got the day off. This is one of those days that I’m gonna have to get used to now that I’m here in KC. I haven’t directly interacted with more than maybe 3 people. I have talked on the telephone with a few, but person to person contact has been limited to less than three. On recollection—a girl at the coffee shop…........maybe that’s it. I worked out this morning…nobody else was in the gym downstairs. I worked on the computer for most of this morning, nobody else in the apartment. (howling dog next door noted) I went to the coffee shop around 2pm to do some studying. I left there, came home, and have been here since. Planning on staying here, too—more studying to do. What’s funny is that I’m not miserable at all. Perhaps a touch—I do miss my Emmy. I am lonesome enough to notice my nearly complete isolation, but not sad about it. It’s Friday night, and I note that only because, since I’m below 30 years old, I should probably be out and about tonight. But I don’t have any friends tempting me to get out there to go to a bar or anything else. Doesn’t really bother me. I know some people who could not stand a day like I’ve had today. Likewise, I have a low tolerance for a day when I’m around people from sunrise to sunset. Tomorrow is highlighted by work, where I will reacquaint myself with the human race.

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