Saturday, September 03, 2005

It knows...

...the pager knows, Dave.

...the pager knows when you've just caught up...when you've just put your face on the flat, industrial grade pillow... knows when the nurses are bored and paranoid... knows when to start a run of V-tach... knows when to make patients start pulling at IV lines...when to make them breathe "funny"... knows when you've capped on your admissions and you are wanting to sleep the night away


Blair said...

I'm guessing the first line is a reference to 2001: A Space Oddysey?

If so, that's a really cool reference. If not, go to Hell.

dngilb said...

reading the sam caire blog is my official "on-call" leisure sport. there isn't much else to do the hospital... i guess i could run stairs... or eat more free junk food.

dngilb md

Sam said...

Hello Sam-

Emille and I were chatting about you the other day. Just about how hot you are and stuff. Hope everything is going good.

Sam said...

Sam J...if your eye causes you to sin, you should gouge it out.

Great to have a comment from you.