Friday, January 28, 2005

Know Thyself

If I could wish one thing upon all people in this world, it would be greater self-awareness. After I introduce this and give some examples, you will see that this is a multi-layered issue that is in an abundant need of improvement in our world.

Self awareness...It is knowing your physical, emotional, and social self. It is knowing you are a part of a bigger picture, that your actions affect other people.

Examples of people with a lack of self-awareness:

...Loud cell phone talkers.
...People who cuss on those public cell phone coversations.
...Too many carry-on items on the plane (see previous post)
...Body odor.
...Grandma perfume.
...Fat people on airplanes.
...People who, for some reason, cannot whisper, but just talk in normal voice more "quietly."
...Loud talkers.
...Close talkers.
...Soft talkers.
...Slow walkers (often multiple and fat) in malls who take up the entire width of the "lane."
...People who leave their blinker on.
...People who are looking around at anything but the stoplight when it changes to green.
...People in front at the stoplight in the far right lane who aren't going to turn right, while people behind them want to turn right.
...Babies who cry at bad times. (that's not fair, is it?)
...Cell phones in movie theaters that ring--and then answered by those people.
...People who haven't figured out that you can quickly press a button to stop the ringing cell phone without hanging up on a person.
...People who give with expectation.
...Unemployed, fat smokers who are sick.
...People who write ads for car dealerships.
...People with huge, untended boils/wounds/abscesses/toenails/feet.

There are many...many...more.

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