Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My Vacation to Arizona

So I went on vacation to Arizona last week, where the skies are cloudless and the roads very flat. Spent time with my friend Brian who lives there. Then friends Jerry and Ali joined us for the weekend.

Me, Brian, Jerry

Jerry, Brian, me, and Ali

For the ladies...

Attempting to tweeze the largest hangnail witnessed by humans:

My evil left eye can see right to your convicted!

Had a great time...the first vacation time where I actually went on a vacation in a long while. Thanks to B, J, and A for being tremendous, supportive friends and for being fun travel companions. to grow on:


Jenni said...

Sam -- sounds like a great trip -- I'm so glad you were able to get away and recharge!

Shanta said...

Hubba hubba Dr. Sam! Great pictures!